
Bedrijfsverkoop & LiquidatieBudgetting & ForecastingFinancial AccountingManagementinformatie & DashboardingPlannenWinstverbetering & investeringsanalyse

About Johan

“Attention, stability, and structure” define my approach. I am a versatile Manager, Consultant, Director, and Board Member specializing in Finance, Control, Risk Management, Valuation, and Strategy. My extensive experience brings stability and structure to companies facing a lack of (financial) expertise, struggling with inadequate financial frameworks, or operating without a clearly defined strategy.

Whether working with start-ups, SMEs, or established companies, I support the development of professional, well-structured Finance, Control, and Risk functions. My core expertise lies in the real estate sector, including Project Development and Asset Management. My goal is to empower organizations by providing the insights and frameworks necessary for sustainable success.